Photon Factory
Our people
The Photon Factory is directed by Professor Neil Broderick, an expert in the field of ultra-short lasers. Neil and Dr Claude Aguergaray, the Photon Factory's deputy director, oversee a group of researchers at all levels of education and training.
Director | Dr Neil Broderick
Deputy Director | Dr Claude Aguergaray
Laboratory Manager | Jeffery Low
Photon Factory Administrator | Premika Sirisena
Outreach Coordinator | Andy Wang
Postdocs and Engineers
Research Fellow | Dr Reza Amani
Technician | Mr Matheu Broom
Research Fellow | Dr Ruth Cink
Research Fellow | Dr Thomas Haase
Postdoctoral Fellow | Dr Hannah Holtkamp
Research Fellow | Ben Mallett
Research Fellow | Dr Thom Minnée
Research Fellow | Dr Nina Novikova
Research Fellow | Dr Alex Risos